Wednesday 20 July 2011

Day 31 - Going over project plans onsite

Our official site office for the time being.  Graham and Giles, our Project Manager, working through plans and making adjustments.  At least they have coffee !

If you can believe it, this is the 30th truck load of earth to be removed from site, and we haven't even starting digging the basement yet ! 

Saturday 16 July 2011

Day 26 - Excavation and welding of the tops of the sheet piles

Sheet piling excavated and the exposed tops welded on both sides in preparation for the reenforced concrete ring beam.

Part one of the surface water drainage, the 6500 litre concrete tank which will then flow into the crate system below.

The soil percolation test results were so poor hence the design of the elaborate soakaway.

Day 20 - The large mound of dirt at the back of the plot

Large pile of dirt at the back of the plot from leveling the site

Day 20 - Piling completed and machines off site

Not much to see. To move the crane around and to get the piling
equipment offsite the sheet piling has been buried. Looks like it did
the day before we started (apart from the large mound of earth)!

Friday 1 July 2011

Day 11 - Close-up of the Piling Machine

Amazing to see the machine 'walk' along the row of completed piles and push the next one into the ground.  Wonder what force it uses to push these piles through the stiff clay? 

Day 11 - The sheet piling machine in action

Piles across the back of the house that will form the rear wall of the basement.

Day 7 - The crane used to lift the 7.5 metre long piles in to the piling machine

Day 7 - Box piles are done

Box piles to the Northern side of the house under the kitchen / dining / family area 

Day 7 - View from the front of the plot

Day 7 - Sheet piling has started

Appleton arrived on site a couple of days ago and have started on the box piles to the Northern boundary 

Day 3 - Site Preparation Continues